Saturday, January 15, 2005

Romans 12

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1-2

For awhile now, God has been challenging me with Romans 12.

Last year, as I began working with advertising agencies, I kept Romans 12 very close to my heart. I memorized it. Prayed it and lived it the best I could. When I went to Miri for a mission trip, Romans 12 was a reminder of my service to Him. Its intereting that last Saturday my CG leader ended our meeting with the reading of this passage. On both Sunday services, the pastors quoted these verses and last night as I spent time with God, I was led to the very same chapter.

Was there something I needed to relearn? Rethink? Renew my mind?

Why do we surrender to God? Why do we offer our bodies as sacrifices to Him? Why must my life be holy and pleasing? Why must I renew my mind everyday?

The answer lies in this truth: I surrender to God my life so that I can enjoy His good, acceptable and perfect will.

As I examine these three words: "good", "acceptable" and "perfect", I begin to realise that they did not have the same meaning. Instead, they graduate upward in value. Consider some of the meanings for these Greek words:

Good - fair, valuable, and of benefit
Acceptable - well-pleasing, agreeable
Perfect - complete, mature, finished

Many christians ultimately carry out God's good will, others His accpetable will. But all too few fulfill God's perfect will. Satisfying God's perfect will requires a lifetime of faithful obedience to Him. It requires a life totally surrendered and yeilded to Him.

God's will is not a mystery that is hidden from us. It is for us to discover and to diligently seek after. We do that in our daily prayer, in the reading of His word and in the fellowship with fellow christians.

I have only begun to understand His will for my life. Some start off as personal passions and end up as ministries. He has given me a love and passion for people. Blessed me with a creative mind. Given me a love for music. I need to be a good steward of all these gifts and talents.

I need to be a yielded sacrifice.

"Dear Lord, I pray for more of You and less of me in my life. I ask for a deep desire to know you intimately. For Your voice to silence the voices of the world. For me to be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit. I pray that this year, You will continue to lead me and guide me in all that I do. For I know that your will for my life is good, acceptable and perfect. Amen"


At January 18, 2005 at 9:54 AM, Blogger Firewalker said...

Dear Brother,

There's two things here which I think is important:
1. WILL to do God's will.
2. Being led by the Holy Spirit.

I think both are working hand in hand with one another. I can't tell which one comes first before another.Before the receiving of the Holy Spirit , we would want to do God's will, but we feel it is empty. Once we receive the spirit, things becomes new and we have power to see things.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! "--2 Cor 5:17.

It's always about throwing away the bit of ourselves and let God fill the rest of that bit. Even though it is painful, it is inevitable because God's will need to be manifested, if WE allow it to. The second thing is to ask for God to give you His Holy Spirit. He will surely grant you that , once you have decided to be an empty vessel.


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