Sunday, February 13, 2005

Working Out My Salvation

I started work with Ogilvy & Mather last week.

I still cannot believe I got the job!

Firstly, because I felt that I was not experienced enough for the job of an Art Director. Secondly, there were many out there desiring this position. I found out that there were 13 other candidates which my Executive Creative Director interviewed. Chances were slim for me. I'm a rookie. A nobody. No permanent agency experience. O&M hires only pros and I don't feel like one! Let's be honest here. I design because I love it. Because God has given me the gift of creativity. And because we all need money to survive. Haha...

I did have faith that God would open doors. But to be able to work for an international advertising agency was beyond what I had hoped or dream of. Its a scary feeling! I remember praying in the solitude of my room. I stood up for prayer in church, requested it during wednesday prayer meets and had close friends cover me with their prayers. Not many knew this but I had very specific prayers for my future job. I prayed about it and gave these request to God:

1) I would be hired by an international advertising agency
2) I would be recommended by someone within the agency
3) I would be hired as an art director, not a graphic designer
4) I would only have to go for one interview
5) I would be paid above RM4XXX

Its so very humbling to see how God has been gracious to me and how He has opened this door for me. Why are you so good to me, Lord? I asked and you gave good gifts. I don't deserve it and yet you give lavishly.

I have been reading this book, "Seven Days Of Faith" (R. Paul Stevens) and have just finished the first two chapters. Its a very timely book to read too. As I reflect on the book, I understand more of why God requires us to be diligent workers and places us at our respective offices. It is an awesome calling to work for God. To work with God.

" Work is not only our duty but our dignity. It is a place to meet God. We actually do the work of God with God. "

Journal Entry:
Write a prayer to God about your daily work, expressing your desire to work for Jesus as your ultimate employer, even when there is no obvious ministry attached to it.
( Taken from "Seven Days Of Faith", Pg. 29)

Dear Lord, I work in an industry where there are so many grey areas. There is no set white and black. Everything is a blur. I am exposed to a culture that condones lying, cheating, the twisting of facts, smoking, drinking, and everything else that is ungodly. Yet I know that you have deliberately placed me in Ogilvy. I know it is no mistake. It is not by some whim of fate that you have given me this opportunity to be a light there. I acknowledge that You have given me this job and a wonderful ministry to go with it! It must bear fruit in season!

I pray that you will grant me Your courage. Your wisdom. Your creativity and above all, Your heart for the people who I will be working with. Johnny, Peter, Daniel, Anthony, Leslie, Samantha, Jaime, Joan, Adam, Siew Tin, Nicky, Matt, Kelvin, Su Yen, Tay. I know that you have placed a burning desire in me to see them saved. Oh, how precious they are to you. I pray that you will help me be a good friend to them. Give me opportunities to speak into their lives and to be a blessing to them. I want to work with you on this, Lord...

Oh Lord, I need you to be my guide. I need you to be my strength. Help me, Lord, to be a diligent worker. You know how much I desire to have you glorified in my life. I pray that you will empower me to be a good art director. To be creative. To have ideas that overflow from within. Not mine but yours. You also know how inadequate I feel right now. How I fear failure. I surrender to you Lord and pray that you will have your will in my life. Amen.

" Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life- in order that I many boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing." Phillipians 2:12-16


Waiting Here

Everything will work out
Everything will work out
For Your glory
I know You’ll use it all

Fall upon Your mercy
Call upon Your kindness
Will You come to me
And search my heart again

And I’m on my knees waiting here for You
In Your holy place
And my heart is home
In Your courts oh Lord
How I long for You

( Words and Music - Reuben Morgan - World Through Your Eyes)
